Ranch Donors
The people that make the Ranch possible.
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 2 Corinthians 9:12
Our Honored Donors
The Allstate Foundation
American Street Rodders
Ana Whitfield
Brian and Kerry Kilgore
Brian Tieslau
C&T Hauling Co, Inc
Cantrell Mechanical Solutions, Inc
Cargill, Inc
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia
CARS - Classic Auto Rides
Charles & Dancy Wynne
Community Foundation of NE GA
Dr. Daniel Rabb
David & Gail Chester
Doug & Lynne Hanson
Doug Allen
Dr. Robert & Sandy Browning
Gainesville Newcomers Club
Helping Hall
Holly Springs Baptist Church
James Syfan III
JM Richards
John & Patti Mouvery
Judith Stitch
Kindred Spirits
Maddox Family Foundation
Milton Martin Toyota
Ronnie & Jill Corbin
Simpson Trucking & Grading
Tim & Jo Tieslau
Will White