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Our Program

Whispering Angels Youth Ranch provides a safe, nurturing environment to facilitate our four pillars including Hope, Healing, Love and Acceptance. The Ranch focuses on children ranging from 8-18 years of age that have faced or are currently facing various challenges in their lives. While we do not provide clinical/medical therapy, the intent is to replenish the heart, mind and soul to a peaceful existence.


Children in our program come for one hour a week. Each child is paired up with a mentor of the same gender and one horse. Our program takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 4:00PM and 6:00PM. Due to generous donors our program is completely free of charge!


The majority of children who come to WAYR are drawn to the ranch because of the horses. During sessions children will first learn how to groom and care for their horse. After they have successfully learned how to care for their horse they will get the opportunity to learn to lead their horse and eventually will learn how to ride. All riding is done with an adult leading the horse. We do not offer horseback riding lessons.


Children who attend the Ranch will likely be involved in group devotional time. During group devotion children and mentors may read the Bible together, read a book together, share about their day, share their struggles and pray together. Community is an important part of a person's walk with God as it opens up our hearts to God and others.


Every child and leader pair will complete a small chore during session time. Chores at the Ranch are meant to teach the importance of serving others by giving through the work of your own hands and to also teach responsibility. Often this opportunity empowers children in knowing that their efforts can make a difference to those around them.

ART, Woodshop or garden TIME

Whispering Angels has two fully stocked buildings specifically for arts and crafts; the art room and the woodshop. We also have a full summer and fall garden. Arts, crafts and time in the garden provide serenity in similar ways as the horses do. In our art room, child and mentor pairs can watercolor paint, acrylic paint, oil paint, throw pottery, make clay models and more. Child and mentor pairs can also spend time in our woodshop. Past woodshop projects have included making birdhouses, swords, chairs, cars and more.


Child and mentor pairs may also choose to spend some of their time on the swings, benches or in the grass chatting about life. Although our mentor volunteers are not certified counselors, they are prepared to talk about anything that the child would like to open up about. One-on-one time can be an important part of the child's time at the Ranch because many of the children we serve come from backgrounds of broken hearts and broken trust.

©2021 by Whispering Angels Youth Ranch. Created by AccessWDUN+

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